Why Massage? ペットリラクゼーションについて

Massage considers the entire animal, not just the specific area that may be painful. Along with regular veterinary visits, massage is a proactive therapy that addresses future health issues and also helps with certain problems your pet may already have. Massage can help your dog or cat deal with the stress of boarding that they may experience while you’re away. We also can use aroma for relaxation. We ask you for an advice which approach is best one for your pet . (However sorry to say we are not able to follow your instruction when your pet is not interested in massage/aroma.)

-Please note our massage service is not a medical treatment but a relaxation.


大切な家族の一員であるワンちゃん、猫ちゃんも人間と同じく、ストレスや緊張を感じる事で身体が凝り固まります。 ペットマッサージは、ストレス軽減に役立つだけでなく、リンパの流れが良くなり、ネコちゃんやワンちゃんが持つ自然治癒力が高まります。飼い主様とご相談の後、ワンちゃんや猫ちゃんが気に入ってくれるようならアロマも使用いたします。

Massage for Pets with serious disease – Do? Or Don’t? 悪性腫瘍に悩むワンちゃん猫ちゃんにマッサージはする?やめる?

Pet Care 2001 strongly recommend to Owner, ‘If you are not sure, please consult with your Veterinarian.’ 

Pain is a problem for pets with disease because it causes such life quality loss. Reducing pain if it’s present is a real gift to your pet. Massage has been shown to help relieve anxiety in human cancer patients in published studies. However some parties say that massage is not generally recommended for dogs with cancer, since the growth of some cancers can be aided by the increase in circulation that massage can bring. Other parties believe gentle massage may provide your pet relief from stress, anxiety and pain. We are sure your VET tries to very best to cut down your Pet's pain, besides Pet Care 2001 also will do our best to pursue your pet's QOL when you'd like to try.



Pricing お値段

30 mins for One session壱セッション 30分 include Pre-practice consultation施術前のご相談含む

[Cat 猫] HKD200

[Dog 犬] 

  • Small 小型犬 (~ 5kg) HKD250
  • Medium 中型犬 (~ 20kg) HKD300
  • Large 大型犬 (~ 35kg) HKD350

Extension every 10 mins 延長10分ごと additional HKD80 加算 


Enquiry お申込みとお問い合わせ

Have a query? Get in touch with us via the enquiry form or email to us. Please also tell us when/what time is/are suitable for our initial meeting when you would like to book Dog Walking/ Pet Sitting/ Relaxation.

